3 Tips for Building Great Online Dashboards

For most people, the best way to understand something is to see it. That's why many rely on dashboards to get the necessary information and present it in an easy-to-digest format.

Here are some tips for developing your own great online dashboards.

1. Identify Critical Metrics.

Firstly, you should identify the most critical metrics for your business. This will help you establish clear goals, set expectations for success, and ensure that you’re measuring the right things.

Once you've identified which metrics are critical to your vision, then decide how they should be measured. For example: Are there any events or milestones along the way toward achieving your goal? Is there some way of tracking how well these events went? If so, figure out how they could be measured (e.g., by frequency or volume).

2. Create A Great Design.

You can use a dashboard template. So many options are available, and you might have to try several of them before finding the one that works best for your business. Alternatively, you can create a great design by using a dashboard builder. This online tool allows you to design, layout, and publish your own website or online application with minimal effort.

You can also use an online software called Google Sheets if you’re looking for more flexibility than what Excel offers but still want something simple enough not to intimidate people who aren't used to working in spreadsheets every day.

3. Use The Right Visuals.

How you use visuals is a key aspect of making your dashboard stand out. The first thing to consider is whether you should use charts and graphs. Charts are good for showing summary information, while graphs allow you to see trends over time.

Another way to present data in your dashboard is by using colors or icons (like arrows) in different ways:

Β· Use colors to highlight important points that make up most of the data. Consequently, people can quickly zero in on what's important without having to scroll through pages of text when they don't understand something right away.

Β· Use icons where appropriate because they're easier than words at explaining complex concepts like market share changes over time.

In summary, the online dashboards you build should be easy to navigate and read. That’s the best way to keep your users engaged with your data

Last updated

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